The weekend of ‘ Des l’Arts au Coeur du Village’ in Tourrettes sur Var in Southern France
is over. I participated the event for the first time, and it was a wonderful experience!
We had Saturday and Sunday, and about 70 artists in total exposed their creation on the streets
in the beautiful village. I was impressed by the organizers for how they organized, and the art works in the exposition! I sincerely appreciate people who supported me to participate this event. Each of them was just so supportive and they made me feel that I would like to do the same for others.
南フランスの村、Tourrettes sur Varで行われた展示販売イベントが終了しました。初めての参加でしたが、とても素敵な経験になりました!先週土曜日、日曜日の二日間で、70人のアーティストが村の至るところで展示しました。このイベントのオーガナイザーや展示されていたアートにとても感銘を受けました。

I would like to express my gratitude here for all of them, especially Taenagra Tanagra who makes beautiful original jewelries in the village. She opened her door for me to stay her place and supported me to have this wonderful opportunity. Her family also gave me such a warm welcoming feeling. Also, another wonderful artist who welcomed me for their group to participate together, Fabienne Lopez
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特にオリジナルな素敵なジュエリーを作っているアーティストであり、友人であるTaenagra TanagraさんとFabienne Lopezさんはイベント参加に向けて快く私をグループへ受け入れてくれ、滞在先も提供してくれました。Taenagra Tanagraさんのご家族も、温かく受け入れてくれ、とてもありがたかったです。
And of course, friends who passed by to take a look at my works. I deeply appreciate for taking their precious time for passing by my works at this event, even though it is little bit far from Nice. Through this experience, I learned, inspired, and determined to improve my works.
The word that cheers me up for today:
To strive even higher, to do even better—the creative process is a desperate struggle to go beyond what we were yesterday. It is a battle against resting on our laurels, against the fear of losing what we have. It is an adventure into unknown territory.