10月2日から約一ヶ月間スペシャル、と題して(笑)、いつもの「おしゃれなおばあちゃん」と一緒にインスタグラムにハロウィンイラストを毎日アップしています。 #martinacheakiko
In addition to my daily illustration of “Fancy Granny” , during the month of October at #martinacheakiko on Instagram, I post a Halloween themed illustration every day.
Posting 2 different illustrations on Instagram every day can be challenging. When I’m tired or have some works to finish, I feel hard to bring myself up to start. But once starting, I can’t think anything, but drawing until it gets done.
Here are some new illustrations that I post on Instagram every day.
I hope you enjoy the fun but spooky atmosphere of this special series!