This is a painting by Andrea Razzauti, an italian (Toscany) artist creating amazing work both in music and painting. I am very lucky to have met him and have been given a chance to study his technique while assisting him, preparing for an event. The original is an impressive 1.5 x 1 meter framed canvas, displayed at his house on the Big Island of Hawaii.
この絵は、ハワイでお手伝いしながら学ばせていただいていた、素晴らしい画家であり音楽家のAndrea Razzautti(アンドレア ラザウティ)さんの絵です。彼に出会い、彼の絵をイベントに向けて仕上げるお手伝いをさせていただく代わりに技術を教わることができた事はとてもラッキーでした。オリジナル作品は素晴らしく、大きさは縦1、5m、横1mくらいの大きめの絵で、Andreaさんのハワイ島の家に飾ってありました。
From 2010 to 2012, while living in Hawaii, I apprenticed under Andrea’s direction. He taught me his technique for acrylic painting and in return, I helped him reproducing several of his original paintings (leaving the maestro the final touch of course!), that eventually were sent to be displayed in Lahaina Gallery galleries both on Maui and in California. This next painting of iris field is one of those. I ended up reproducing the same painting on several canvas of different sizes.
Of course, you have to begin small: my first attempt is the one featured on the right in the above picture. But after becoming more comfortable with the basics, and gaining more confidence in your own abilities, you can tackle larger, more ambitious projects: eventually, my copies grew larger, like the one featured on the left!
It took patience, hard work and dedication to get to this point. But it was immensely gratifying to see my work taken over by the Maestro, to be turned into an amazing piece of art, using oil techniques, adding even further depth to the scene. You can see the finished piece in the picture below.
Doing this work for about 2 years, through this experience, I learned much technique. It exposed me to the work and experience of a real master, gave me more appreciation for the work that goes into making art, and made me realize where my goal in life is participating to some sort of movement for people finding their happiness. I believe that a great happiness is always within our heart, where no one can destroy. The key to be happy is finding the place of the great happiness within us, and expand around us through something we appreciate to do. For me, it’s drawing and painting. Even after I moved to France, I get his advice and comments for my works when he came to Italy where is his home town.
Artworks of Andrea Razzauti
アンドレア ラザウティさんの作品
Music composed by Andrea Razzauti
アンドレア ラザウティさんの作曲した音楽