Artist  アーティスト紹介

Akiko Martinache

あきこ まるてぃなしゅ

出身地 東京




1999年 ハワイ




2005年 ニューヨーク



2008年 再びハワイ

ニューヨークからハワイに戻ってすぐ、トスカーナ出身イタリア人画家・音楽家Andrea Razzautiさんと出会いました。彼の絵画を一目見て魅了され、どうにか弟子にしてくれないかとその場で懇願。「普段は弟子を取らないのだけれども…」と言われていたAndreaさんでしたが、私の情熱に押され、お会いしすぐにアシスタントとして通わせていただくことになり、Andreaさんも私も引っ越すまでの数年間、特にアクリル画の技術を惜しみなく学ばせていただきました。偶然にもAndreaさんがハワイに越してきた頃、私もハワイへ戻り、数年後再び同じ頃に私はフランスへ、Andreaさんはマウイ島へ移動されました。


2013年~現在 ニース

Andrea Razzautiさんから学んだアートへの感覚や技術を宝物のように抱えながら、ハワイからフランスのニースへ移動。まずはフランス語に挑戦しつつ、地元のアートグループの方々とデッサンや水彩画に触れる機会を得ました。出会いが出会いを呼び、また、情熱が足を動かしたことで、ニース市内や近隣の村などで開催されるアートイベントに参加させていただくようになりました。ここ3年ほどは、オンラインで日本の絵本グループの方々に出会い、絵本作りの勉強や、英語の児童書の挿絵を担当させていたく機会にも恵まれ始め、2025年には初めてフランス語の児童書の挿絵を担当させていただくことが決まっています。



Akiko Martinache


Born and raised in vibrant Tokyo, the concrete and dull sky colors of the urban center during my childhood led me to find solace in creating colorful water with flowers found between buildings, drawing imaginary stories, and healing myself through art.

Having experienced several domestic relocations with my parents and living abroad in places like South America (Venezuela) and Hawaii, the sensation of movement became akin to crafting a new story. Initially apprehensive about going to new places, eventually, the resistance faded away.

In 1999, I embarked on a solo study adventure to Hawaii, leaving behind my beloved art to tackle language challenges. Graduating from the University of Hawaii, I found employment in the state. Living in Hawaii for about six years, the mystic mana, lava flows from volcanoes into tropical forests, inspired vivid and powerful artworks. The lessons learned in Hawaii remain deeply etched in my heart, making it a second home.

In 2005, my journey took me to New York, where I explored translation, interpretation, and childcare jobs. Rediscovering my passion for drawing after years of suppression, I recalled my childhood love for art, and acrylic paints became my medium. The moment I started drawing freely, the exhilaration was unforgettable.

Returning to Hawaii in 2008, I crossed paths with Italian artist and musician Andrea Razzauti. Despite his usual reluctance to take apprentices, Andrea yielded to my passion, becoming my mentor. During the years before our respective moves, I eagerly learned acrylic painting techniques. Our meeting in Hawaii laid the foundation for the art I create today.

From 2013 to the present, armed with the sense and skills learned from Andrea, I moved from Hawaii to Nice, France. Embracing the French language, I engaged with local art groups, participating in drawing and watercolor sessions. The chance encounters and my passion led me to art events in Nice and nearby villages. In recent years, I connected with a Japanese picture book group online, delving into the world of picture book creation and illustrating English children’s books. In 2025, I am set to illustrate my first French-language children’s book.

Different from Hawaiian and Japanese cultures, the fresh inspiration from the European environment continues to bring joy as I work on illustrations, paintings, and other artistic projects.